$199.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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We are here to teach you what we have learned, experienced, and found to work for others and ourselves. 

We are guides in your journey. We don't know what is best for you; we are giving you tools to figure that out for yourself. Therefore, you are in charge of you and responsible for your own choices and actions. We support you! 

***We offer intense breathing exercises that are not suitable during pregnancy, or for those with epilepsy, heart problems or severe medical conditions.  Always seek out and follow the advice of your physician or other professional medical practitioner before considering alternative treatment and physical practices.***

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The information ("Content") available on this web site is intended for informational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, mitigate, treat or cure any disease or condition. No claims are made by Breathe and Believe as to specific health benefits. Individuals should consult a qualified health care provider for medical advice. The user assumes all responsibility and risk for the use of the information on this web site. BREATHE AND BELIEVE DISCLAIMS ALL RESPONSIBILITY AND LIABILITY FOR ANY INFORMATION, PRACTICES, OR SERVICES OBTAINED BASED ON VIEWING THE CONTENT OF THIS SITE. THE CONTENT SHOULD NOT BE RELIED ON AS BEING COMPREHENSIVE, ERROR-FREE OR SUITABLE FOR ANY PURPOSE WHATSOEVER. THE CONTENT INCLUDED HEREIN HAS NOT BEEN EVALUATED OR APPROVED BY THE FDA.

Unity Consciousness: Basic 12-Week Membership

*** Enter Code: DECEMBER for 20% Discount ***


The Next Stage in Your Evolution Is Here.

Step into the depths of human potential. Discover how consciousness shapes our reality and learn to transcend the limitations that hold us back from our greatest possibilities.

This course reveals the secrets of the unified field - the invisible thread that connects all existence - and teaches you how to align with this unlimited source of purpose, creativity, and divine guidance. Through practical techniques and profound insights, you'll develop a direct connection to your authentic self; uncovering the true path to inner peace, personal power, and universal wisdom.

Perfect for seekers, change-makers, leaders, innovators and anyone ready to evolve beyond our current state, this program offers a revolutionary framework for understanding both individual and collective transformation. You'll gain clear solutions and applications to humanity's greatest challenges while unlocking extraordinary capabilities within yourself.

Join us in exploring the science of consciousness and the spirit of human potential and become pioneer in the next stage in human evolution - Unity Consciousness.

What you'll get:

  • 12 Weeks of Wisdom Training
  • Access to Exclusive Online Community
  • Weekly 2hr Online Meetings, Includes Peak State Experiences, Evolutionary Mindset, Lessons, Q&A
  • Daily Practices for Measurable Results 
  • Real World Application
  • Option to Continue Monthly Membership, After 12 Weeks - $49 per month

* Intense breathwork practices are not recommended for those who are pregnant, experience epilepsy, or have sever health or medical conditions. Please consult your doctor ahead of time if any of these apply to you.